Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > turt;e crossing the raod

turt;e crossing the raod

22 16:16:56

Hello Amanda....We found a turtle crossing the road just outside of a residential area.  I have been reading everything on line to learn about this little one and would like some help from someone who is in the know.I would be more than happy to send a picture if I can get an e-mail address from you...I have pictures with my cat so you can see how big he/she is and he/she is very active.  There is no indent on the bottom on the shell so I think it might be a girl. We are going to try to find the owners but until then we need some care advice.


Hi Julie,

I'm curious as to whether or not there are wild turtles where you live... how do you know he or she was a pet?

If you resubmit your question but mark it as private, then I will give you my email address so you can email me a picture.

Thanks for your question,