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Beginning Turtles

22 16:05:24

Hey i have a question I'm wanting a turtle I'm 12 years old...I've been looking at getting a mud turtle but people said that they have like this smell about them so I'm kind of not sure about getting a mud turtle....For a 12 year old in your opinion what turtle would u suggest for me and this is my first turtle ever.

Hello congrads on getting a turtle./

Mud turtles can smell as any turtle can. his is going to depend ont he level of care yuo provide.
How clean you keep the enclosure and feeding.

I think a map turtle is a good start, they are medium maintanance and are great as far as socializing.

Have you and your parents decided how much room you have financially to get one?

You can go to a rescue center they have thousands of turtles and you can adopt from one for alot less than a store, that is saving a life, saving oney that you can spend on him and stops the need for breeders to keep breeding them.

If people dont buy from a pet stroe, the pet store doesnt need to replace from breeder- endless cycle we know.

Now, rescue centers have turtles, usually will give it to you and even tanks etc if you ask and maybe volunteer. f you volunteer to help you may just find that htey make you a great offer- free tank set up etc in exchange for your help.  I know Ive done that,

as far as the smell, youre dealng with mud that sits and turtle who sits in it.  Can be rough!