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Keeping a turtle from getting lonely.

22 16:07:12

Hello I have a male Ornate Box Turtle I have owned him for 10 years and got him from a pet store I belive he was young when we got him. I would like to know do turtles get lonely being alone? I mean I interact with him but I am sure its not the same. I really wish I could get him another to boy but I know they fight. I don't want to get a girl and have lots of babies. I know its sounds silly but I am curious can you get a turtle fixed? Like spayed or neutered? Can you give me another ideas on making sure hes not lonely maybe putting a stuffed animal in there I don't think another reptile would be good would it?

Hi Nikki,

Ornate Box Turtles are awesome. In answer to your question, Land turtles only have interaction with other turtles mostly during the spring time (for breeding). Other than that the spend most of their time wandering around in search of food and easier digging spots.

What I like to do is constantly change their tank environment up to make new scenery for them. You can also build a wodden pen that you can put outside during the spring. The box doesn't have to have a top or bottom. The sides only need to be about 1 foot high. So 3 feet wide by 3 feet long and 1 foot high. Being out in the sun in the spring will do his mind and body a lot of good. But dont forget if it get really hot you'll wanna move it into the shade. If you also have a round dish that you can bury down into the dirt so he can find his water easier, but make sur it's not to deep otherwise he could drown.

I hope this helps
