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Mud Turtles and Water

22 16:48:11

I am interested in purchasing and caring for a mud turtle in the near future. I read on one mud turtle care site that not all species require swimming water in their habitats. Is this true? Also, how close can the owner get to the turtle emotionally? I know that in a few weeks you can earn its trust, but will it eventually be able to "know who you are" or come to if you call it?

Thanks so much!

Mud turtles are hardy, often-overlooked pet turtles and I think you'll enjoy it.

"Dry tanks" are a common technique used for various 'pond' species like the Painted and Read-eared turtles but I am not sure it is a good idea for more aquatic species like Muds. Even with other species it is a controversial technique that I personally usually don't recommend. There are a few species, however- like the Eastern mud- that might do perfectly well in a dry tank with a largish water pit.

I have never seen good evidence of a turtle that responded to being called, which is not unusual since they are for all practical purposes deaf. They pick up vibrations, but not to the extent of understanding commands, etc.

Land turtles are more likely to associate owners and food, but aquatic species do as well. it is also easier for land turtles to form some sort of bond than it is for the aquatic species, but that is probably more due to the fact that we don't spend a lot of time in the water!

I know many owners who get quite attached to their aquatic pets... and I am sure the feelings are reciprocates on some level.