Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > I dont know if my RES are sick :(

I dont know if my RES are sick :(

22 16:00:08

Hello, I recently bought 2 Red Eared Sliders. One is very active but does not eat and the other one eats but it is not active. I bought the not active one 3 days ago and I bought the active one 2 days ago. My not active turtle has been sleeping all day and has not been moving. Whenever I would put it in the pond it would want to go back to shore. He is about 2 inches long. I really love him and I don't want him to die. Please

Hi  Winona,

In order to help, I need to know exactly how you have them set up.  I  need to know the tank size, the type and brand of filter, exact temperatures for the water and basking area, brand of UVB bulb, and complete diet.  Once you post back with the information, I can advise you on what to do.   Please be detailed ,because the problem is probably in how you're keeping them--poor water quality, lack of space, improper temperatures, lack of UVB, etc.  All  correctible, but may require significant changes.