Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > African leopard tortoise coexist with Arizona desert tortoise

African leopard tortoise coexist with Arizona desert tortoise

22 16:15:53

We have a African leopard tortoise and a friend wants to give us some Arizona desert tortoises can they coexist. We have heard a rumor that the leopard carries a virus that is harmful to the desert tortoise.Thank you for any info you can provide.

A- it is never a really good idea to mix species. The less related they are, or the further apart they normally live, the worse it gets.

B- if I am not mistaken, it is illegal to give away or pass on most Desert Tortoises- they can only be adopted by people who get certified through an adoption agency- which usually requires that the tortoise be returned to them if the keeper cannot keep it.

Good luck!