Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > watery eyes, sleeps all the time, and doesnt eat.

watery eyes, sleeps all the time, and doesnt eat.

22 16:15:35

joey, my tortoise, used to eat very well everyday and now he barely nibbles at the food i give him. whats wrong? Also, he used to be very active and explore the outdoors, and now he chooses to sleep all the time. whats wrong? Lastly, his eyes are very watery and i dont know what went wrong. please help me with all three of my problems. i only bought my Russian Tortoise on July 20, 2008. i am very veryyy worried so please let me know what is wrong with my tortoise.

Watery eyes are usually a sign of dehydration, and it usually takes tortoises a week or so to 'settle in' after a big change. Other than that, you are not telling me much about the diet, cares, temps, etc. so I cannot help much.

What I would recommend is a great site and forum you can try...

Good luck!