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something wrong with my turtle

22 16:07:25

i have two western painted turtles recently we put two little sunnys in there tank with them. well ever sence then my female turtle has not been eating and now her eyes are white and puffy she is not active at all inless you put her in the water and than she just swims to the log and gets back up. what could be wrong with her. i am conserned. i recently took the fish out of the tank thinking they were making her sick and even cleaned the tank again. like i do every month but she is still not doing any better. can you help me figure out what is wrong with her. thank you

Hi Travis,

It may be related to the fish, but at this point since your turtle is obviously sick and not displaying normal behavior (not eating and not swimming), you need to take her to a herp vet for diagnosis and treatment.  Unwillingness to swim often means a respiratory infection, which would require antibiotics.  Good luck and I hope your turtle gets better soon.