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Razorback Musk habitat

22 16:00:39

I have two Razorback Musk turtles that are very small and get along well with each other. I just saw a you tube video of this type of turtle in a tank with a Plecostomus fish. Is that safe to do? I have other types of turtles in other tanks that would eat the Plecostomus in no time. I would like to get one if the Razorbacks would most likely leave it alone as they grow larger. What are your thoughts?

Hi Sarah,

Keeping fish with any turtle is, as you know, iffy at best.  Sometimes they will leave them alone, but often they won't.  Larger plecos can do OK with turtles, although they can end up with nipped fins, etc., and it does mean you need the room and good filtration.  A big pleco is no guarantee of survival, though.  If you want to try it, I'd say go ahead, but don't be surprised if it ends badly for the fish.  As an aside, I think it's always nice for the turtles if they have access to live fish from time to time--guppies or rosy minnows--as it gives them something interesting to watch and do.  If you have an extra tank and the interest, you might want to consider keeping breeding guppies so you can provide live fish for your turtles.