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box and wood turtles

22 16:01:33

Can box turtles and wood turtles live in the same enclosure providing the enclosure is big enough for the 2 of them. both turtles are female.

Hi Heather,

While wood and box turtles have overlapping ranges in the wild, they wouldn't necessarily come into close, constant contact with each other.  I'm not a big fan of mixing species anyway, but in this case the overlapping ranges make it theoretically OK if enough room can be provided. I've known people who have kept them together, but in very large backyard enclosures where it was possible to create a variety of microclimates and hides/sight breaks.  In general, it's not something I recommend, and definitely not unless you are able to provide the room and an outdoor enclosure.  Boxies and woods really should be kept outside anyway, and the stress of being in closer quarters indoors wouldn't be healthy.  I know you said a "big enough" enclosure, but that's a somewhat relative term and since you weren't specific I'm not sure what "big enough" really means to you.  I would want to see a pen somewhere in the 20 x 20 range.  If it has to be much smaller than that, then I would just keep them separate.