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RES tankmates

22 16:39:47

QUESTION: i really like RES turtles, but i was always thinking if a RES can go well with any other kind of fish. like betta, or guppies and such? i have been to a aquatic pet store and saw them  having some kinda tropical fish with the RES as a tankmate. i was wondering if a RES can go well with a betta fish (chinese fighting fish ). may you tell me if they are compatible tank mates?
ANSWER: If you have a properly set-up Red-ear tank, you can add SOME fish, but not most. Slow, long-finned fish are poor cage mates- the get eaten or their fins get damaged. Bettas are an example of this, as are guppies, mollies, etc.

Faster or armored fish, or big fish are better.

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QUESTION: sorry to bother. but what kind fish would you recommend? i have a 10 gal tank and i have water up halfway and this stand for the turtle to rest on. what fish could you recommend to the addition of this habitat?

In a tank that small, I cannot even recommend keeping a Red-ear. The miminum recommended size for a Red-ear Slider, even a baby, is 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length. If you fill the tank fuller, you would be OK for a while.

The most common fish people keep with turtles are the armored catfishes and Chinese algae eaters, as well as snails. These animals have the side benefit of helping keep the tank clean as well.

You can get more info and ideas, as well as good care advice for the Red-ear at