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Redfoot hatchling bin placement

22 16:05:21

I just bought 2 redfoot hatchlings that will be shipped to me next week.  I have been thinking about where to place my new tortoise bin so that they will be healthy and happy.  My first choice is in my living room, where I also have 2 saltwater aquariums, because water evaporation keeps the room pretty humid and I could keep an eye on them for most of the day; however, this room is also where my TV is and I want to know if hatchlings/tortoises in general are affected or stressed by background noise.  My second option would be to have the tortoises upstairs in my study where it is very quiet but rather dry (i would have to spray the moss frequently to assure proper moisture levels.) Also, since I spend most of my time downstairs, I feel I would not be able to keep an eye on them if anything happens or show off their cuteness to my friends when they come over if I have them upstairs.

Tortoises are not bothered by noise, and if you provide a simple visual screen, the light and activity won't bother them either. Many keepers just put something like some cardboard up to block the habitat and provide a more complete 'night' cycle. Go for the heat and humidity.

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