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indoor enviro set up for western paint turtle

22 16:03:49

I just rescued a baby western pain turtle and know nothing about it.  I thought it was sick so I took it to the vet and I guess its going into hibernation.  They suggested I stop this process by getting heat lamps and making him think it is still warm.  Right now it is in a 10 gal aquarium which is inside.  I'm having to change the water like every other day.  I was told by the vet that he will get bigger and require a bigger tank.  If I was to put him in a 40 or 50 gallon tank, how would I keep it clean?  Is there some sort of filter or something to help.  This turtle loves being in the water and is always there. Is the best thing to do?  Should I put him outside instead?  Should I let him hibernate?  Please any info would be well appreciated.

Hello congradulations on your new friend. You should have many years of enjoyment with him.
Ok first if the vet said you should stop the process Id follow that. Trason being he has seen the turtle and I have not. Maybe the turtle is weak appearing im not sure. However, to stop the porcess even in larger gallon capacity  , add heat lights or heat emmitters. The heat ennitters dont put off light, nad can be used around the clock.  St the pet store they have filters made for turtles, zoo med makes nice waterfall filters, you can use the water fall ones and place under the lights and he will crawl out on it. it is a nice scene.

you will need uvb light as well. if you cab get him outside for a short while a day to graze and run around he will be happy and then using the bulb too wil assist. I prefer mercury vapor bulbs! they provide heat and uvb.

Please let me know if you need more help. It took me a little while to answer as computer was down but it is fixed now so if yo need me im here