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Head Bobbing Leopard Tortoise

22 16:15:21

Hi Mark,

I recently purchased a baby leopard tortoise from a reputable supplier. Since bringing him/her home I've noticed that when it is awake and not active... ie., not walking/eating, it is continuously bobbing it's head up and down.  In addition, with each head bob it's front legs seem to follow suit. There may be a few seconds (between minutes of bobbing) that it sits still, but the majority of resting time is spent nodding its head.  Is this something that I should be worried about or is caused naturally by his breathing  or something of the sort?

He is an indoor tortoise housed in a glass tank that measures about 1 foot by 3 feet.  I have a basking zone that is heated by a 75 watt UVB light, that never turns off and there is also a cooler shaded area on the other side of the tank where i keep wheat grass for it to graze on.  And I also have watercress which it like to use as shade and a little "wading pond".  I feed it the wheat grass and red kale on a daily basis.  Which he seems to love and will eat until it all gone.  Visually, it seems to be in good health... clear eyes, eating well and adventurous.

I hope that I have not missed anything of importance... and thank you for your time in reading and responding to this question.


Good info- thank you!

Gentle bobbing, limbs that 'sag' in and out, and throat puffing are all just ways of breathing if you cannot move your rib cage.

Good observation, but nothing to worry about.

Bad signs would be tearing eyes, moisture or bubbling at the nose, white deposits around the nose, stuff or bubbles in the mouth, and so on.

Try for more on this big beautiful species.

Good luck!