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Red Eared sliders with orange discoloration

22 16:12:59


I've had these turtles (2) since May.  In the last week, this orange discoloration has appeared.  It seems slimy and may be a type of algae.  I'm not sure if it's a sign they are getting sick?
They eat pellets, lettuce, honeydew melon, are very active and I believe are otherwise healthy.  Bask under a warming lamp, and I have a heater in the tank, water temp about 78, and a filter.  I am attaching 2 pictures.

Hi Teresa,

If you read my profile you should have seen that I can answer tortoise-specific questions; I'm not well experienced with aquatics.  However, there are a few things I can suggest for you to consider in your general husbandry.  You need more variety in the diet, especially greens and animal matter.  You can feed greens such as dandelion, chicory, turnip greens, and mustard greens, as well as duckweed and anacharis.  Animal protein can included cooked chicken, shrimp, and gutloaded insects.  They should be basking for several hours a day, and you do need a basking light that gives off ample UVB--a regular basking bulb won't provide this.  The basking area should be 10-15 degrees warmer than the water temperature.  You might also want to check your filter system.  A really good filter is important for turtle health.  That said, what you're seeing on their shells may be a type of fungus or it may be algae.  I'm not going to hazard a guess because I don't want to point you in the wrong direction.  I suggest you go to and check the information there.  There is also a forum where you can ask for help.  I'm sorry I couldn't give you more specific information, but as I said, my experience is with tortoises.