Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > turtle going to die need help from someone

turtle going to die need help from someone

22 16:17:36

i know your not a vetanarian but this isnt about that we found a turtle whos shell is ran over.When we found it, it was about to drown,so we saved it it drinks when everyones asleep and eats rarely we feed it lettuce but i come to see him on weekends and little of his lettuce is eaten.He only will it carrots and we dont have alot of those.He digs at his rocks in his aqariumand stays in a corner and my cousin plays with him.I dont know whats going on please help me.Can you tell me whats going on with him?we dont have enough money to take him to a vet.please help me i fear he may die please.

This is tough for me- I feel really bad for you and the turtle, but I don't have enough info here to really help you.

For example- what kind of turtle is it and how big? Why do you think it was about to drown? How are you caring for it?

I am going to recommend that you log into a good turtle forum where you can ask questions and get answers quicker and from several people. The site is

Good luck!