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hatchling snapping turtle

22 16:15:05

In June, a snapper dug a hole and laid eggs in our garden.  Most of the hatchlings climbed out 3 days ago.  One I found by the hole, with a "bubble" on the bottom of the shell.  None of the others I observed had this.  This hatchling is smaller than the others, and I am concerned.  He is in a container in my house.  The sac hasn't changed in this time.  Should I let him go?  Will he make it?  I don't want to keep him, I just want him to have a chance.

Baby turtles generally stay in the nest until they absorb most of the yolk sac- the bubble. Usually, the nest is still covered enough to protect the baby during this time.

If you keep it warm (mid-80's) and humid- but not wet, and protect the sac, you can keep it until it is absorbed and release it near the nest site.

Here is a site about it:

Good luck!