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cooter turtles

22 15:56:54

can i put two baby yellow bellied slider turtles together?

Hi Tia,

You can, if you have plenty of space and a good environment for them.  Keep in mind that the turtles will get big fairly quickly, and you'll need a very large tank for two adult turtles (100+ gallons), or an outdoor pond.  For two hatchlings, I would start with a 50 gallon tank, because that will give them some grow room.  Make sure you have an adequately-sized filter (should be able to handle twice the tank's capacity) and a source of basking heat and UVB (I recommend a ZooMed Powersun.  You will also want to provide a good, varied diet that includes pellets, animal protein, and greens/veggies.

For more information: (this is for RES, but care for YBS is more or less the same)