Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > which speices of tortoise are keep with fishes in tank

which speices of tortoise are keep with fishes in tank

22 16:07:47

i have no knowledge about turtle ? which species of tortoise are keep in tank with fishes? are,we keep tank turtle on land also for some time?

Hi Mohit,

I'm not sure I can be too helpful, because you're in India and I'm in the United States, but I'll do the best I can.  First, "tortoises" are land-only, so you wouldn't want to put one in a tank with fish.  "Turtles" are aquatic, but most species will eat fish so you want to be very careful before putting one in your tank.  Most turtle species also grow fairly large and you would need a very large tank or ideally an outdoor pond to house them adequately--at least 50 gallons for a smaller species and 100 gallons for something like a red-ear slider.  All turtles need both a swimming area and land area to bask, and will spend time both in and out of the water.  I honestly don't know what species of turtles are available as pets in India.  I'm going to give you a link to caresheets provided by the World Chelonian Trust that may help you with more information when you start looking at what species are available.