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I want a turtle but I need more info.

22 16:15:46

Where do land turtles lay eggs? Sand, Gravel?

Tortoises and most turtles dig nests in soil with plenty of decaying vegetation. The composting vegetation helps ensure even warmth and moisture for the eggs.

Now... if this is your first land turtle, you should probably know that most tortoises do not lay eggs until they are about 6 to 10 years old, usually need a 'mating herd' of about 5 tortoises to make everything work right, and that it can be hard to make sure you have a mix of sexes when the tortoises are young. I have 4 Red-foots. Three of them are still too young, at about 2-3 years old, to determine the sex on.

A couple of good sites for general tortoise information are
- and

Good luck!