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what turtle?

22 16:13:50

In my 50 gallon pond, which 2 turtles would you recommend? I know it is a long term commitment, so I want to choose the perfect turtle.

(mississippi mud, eastern/southern painted, reeves, texas/mississippi map)

I'd recommend trying for a second opinion since the folk there are better with water turtles.

I don't think 50 gallons of water (not tank size) is quite big enough for 2 adult turtles, and it is just barely big enough for one adult mud, musk, or male painted turtle. The 'rule' I use is 10 gallons of actual water per inch of total shell length to give them enough room.

Part of the issue is that turtles are not really social animals in the wild, rarely being near another one unless they are basking or mating. In captivity, they need lots of room to avoid stress and aggression.

Good luck!