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lower carapace problem

22 16:16:05

hi, mark!

ten months ago, in an accident, I burned my turtle(RES) with hot water. Her leg and a part of the lower carapace were affected. The leg recovered and the damaged plates turned a bit different in colour.

Now, that same place reddens and on the plate above, a small ucler appeared (i don't know if the word is quite right). It seems as it has a tiny wound, but the turtle hasn't been injured ever since the accident.

What could this be? What should we do?

If I understand the situation, your turtle's shell was burned with hot water, showed some discoloration, and now, an unknown amount of time later, there is evidence of another injury- like an open sore or ulcer?

This is pretty normal. The growth tissue in the shell was damaged by the burn, and as the shell continues to grow, the damage becomes more apparent. It should fade over time, assuming there is no other injury or problems.

You can also post it at to find other ideas- especially if you can post photos as well.