Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Re: Ick

Re: Ick

22 16:05:03

I have my two red ear sliders in my 1000gal pond with Koi and goldfish. My fish have ick and I need to treat them with ick medicine (parasite removal treatment) and salt. My question is, will the medicine or the salt harm my turtles?

Hi Heather,

The salt won't hurt your turtles, but the medication *might* and I wouldn't risk it.  The information I could find on this was conflicting, so the best advice I can give is to err on the side of caution and remove the turtles during treatment and until the medication is removed by the filter.

An alternative treatment method for ich is to use heat and salt, which may not be practical for you.  Here's a link to an article on the life cycle of ich and the heat/salt method (if you want to read more on it, just google "heat and salt treatment method for ich" and a lot of links will come up).  Good luck!