Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > turttles


22 16:14:54

how can you breed two turttles and how fast is the pregnancy how long do the turttles develope in the egg and can they hatch under water

Hi Darren,

Breeding turtles should not be done by a hobbyist, there is already an overpopulation of turtles in captivity.

And 80% of them are being mistreated.

I highly suggest you don't breed them. should have the information you need.

They can not hatch in the water, the mother turtle needs a land area to burry her eggs minimum of 4 inches deep in a soil/sand mix and the eggs need to be incubated at the correct temperature and kept moist not wet.

Breeding is very hard on the female as well, sometimes deadly.