Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Redfoot


22 16:01:52

I bought a redfoot tortoise about 3 weeks ago and we found him dead tonight.  He seemed perfectly fine this morning when I fed him, no signs of a problem.  When I found him he was extremely bloated -almost exploding out of his shell- with his head forward and down -also very bloated.  I have had one other redfoot die and it was not bloated at all so I'm wondering if this is normal?  What would have caused it?  And if it is normal why would the other have not blated?  I have two others that we have had for quite a while so I'm wondering if I should have them checked out and if this is something that could have been disease or contagious or anything like that.

Brianne,     I would get a necropsy done because of the others you have. They do tend to overeat. Over feeding can cause serious organ failure. It doesn't happen that quick. This is not normal. If it ends up being something serious I would definitely let the place or person you bought it from know too. This way something isn't spreading through his place. I am so sorry. Good Luck, Tina