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Baby turtle

22 16:01:52


My cousin gave me a baby res. I already have one who is about 2 yrs old. The baby is TINY. Can they live together? I want to keep them both in one tank. I worry the bigger one will get aggressive since he always tries to burrow and redecorate! Also, they eat different food so I hope it doesn't get confusing.

Thanks for your help Tina!

JoZie,    I would definitely keep them separate right now until the baby gets some size on it. I would introduce them to each other slowly and only under your supervision. I would start by keeping the tanks close to each other. If you see it is stressing your older turtle then move it. The RES is not a particularly social animal but, in captivity tends to do well with other water turtles. Turtles are a creature of habit so try not to change things too much for your older baby with the new baby around. Every creature has its own personality so maybe he will love having company maybe not time will tell. Be patient. Good Luck, Tina