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Pond dwelling turtles as pond pets in the NE

22 16:16:24

I would like to get a small turtle or two for my parents' small pond on a poperty located in Westchester County in upstate NY.  The pond contains several local frogs and about 5 large, purchased goldfish.  This small pond is bordered and surrounded by a rock and herb garden. It has been thriving for years with lily pads and some algae.  Is there a particular turtle species that would be good for the NE?  I really like the red-eared turtles and know that there are some in Central Park in NYC.
Would much appreciate any feedback and please pass my message on to anyone who can give relevant advice.
Thank you,

The best one I can recommend is the Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta picta)

This is a smallish species that is hardy and native to your area, unlike the large, aggressive, and non-native Red-ear Sliders. The Eastern can even hibernate on its own if there is a layer of mud or leaves at the bottom of the pond, and breed if there is suitable soil nearby.

To be suitable turtle habitat, you would need...
- good basking sites, ideally driftwood, etc. positioned such that the turtles can easily climb on it to get out of the water and dry off- but drop off into the water when spooked.
- some sort of wall taller than the turtles are long. They are surprisingly good at climbing and will leave just to explore.
- some sort of protection from predators. The right basking sites are a good start, but raccoons especially like to snack on turtles that are made easy to catch in a small pond.

Good luck!