Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Turtle vs. Terrapin vs. Tortoise

Turtle vs. Terrapin vs. Tortoise

22 16:37:54

QUESTION: Out of a turtle,terrapin and tortoise which is better for my to daughters aged 12 and 9 if they want one that doesnt grow bigger then 6 inches?

ANSWER: Do you want a land animal or water animal?

As mentioned in the earlier note, the Eastern Box Turtle would be the best land choice, while Painted, Mud, Musk, and Reeves Turtles are best for water tanks.

I prefer land turtles, but I am in the minority. I just don't like dealing with all the water! :-)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I dont care either one is fine whether land or water. I was wondering if you thought a turtle,terrapin or toirtuise was best for my 2 kids.

Well- that is sort of the issue. Turtles and terrapins are water turtles, and tortoises are land versions. The term 'terrapin' does not mean much in the US.

There are good choices in each category, and the turtles I have listed would all do well for you.

What kind of animal do YOU want to care for- land or water? Big dry tank, or big water tank? That is a personal preference.

I may be missing some part of your concern, however. Can you rephrase this?