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3 toed box turtle hibernation

22 16:06:42

Hello there!my vet recommended that I do not hibernate my turtle. What do I need to do to his conditions of environment so that he stays active and doesn't have the desire to hibernate...such as He live in a 40 gallon teRrarium in my house. Hope to hear from you soon!!thank you!!

Hi Cheri,

It would be a complicated and dangerous project to hibernate an animal artificially. You can keep the temperature between 76 and 84 degrees with plenty of fresh water to keep him from hibernating. Also change the scenery up, switch rocks and branches introduce some hay for him and so forth, this will give him the feeling that he is traveling.

Unfortunately it is not entirely possible to keep him from feeling the effects of winter, as soon as the barometric pressure drops he will feel that regardless of conditions and  slow way down on his eating, sometimes to a complete stop.
I hope this helps.
