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My Biting Turtle!!

22 16:17:02

When I take out my turtle to pet him he had recently started to try to bite my fingers. I have tried petting him more and more as i thought it was because i was not giving him enough petting and attention. is this normal??

also in the hot weather i have started bring him out to give him a  run around on the grass for exercise(supervised) just for about 5mins per day. is this good for him??
he's a semi aquatic yellow belly turtle. thanks a million for your help.
mairead (ireland)

Hello Mairead, Turtles do not like or really tolerate being handled. It is very stressful for them. He is telling you to back off when he tries to bite you. The only reason a turtle should be handled is for medical attention, cleaning him or the tank, or moving him.

Here is info on handling aquatic turtles:
(scroll down)

-Water Turtles can not see very well when they are out of the water, they have very poor vision and thus it can add much more stress. If you have a tub or something you can put outside for him then I am sure he would love that, the sun provides natural uv rays that they need. It is very good for him just dont ever take your eyes off of him. And a container of water for him will make him feel much more comfortable.

Good luck,