Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red eared slider keeps swimming in circles

red eared slider keeps swimming in circles

22 16:15:29

I own a baby red eared slider.  We just got him June 15th.  In the last week, we noticed that he's not holding his neck/head correctly.  He's pulling it to one direction and toward the back of his shell.  Now, he's also swimming rapidly in circles, acts as if he can't swim to the top of his water level to get air and ends up flipping himself upside down.  His water level is twice the size of his shell by the way.  I'm wondering if you think his neck somehow got injured and causing his equilibrium to be off or if he's sick with something else, that I'm not aware of.  Any advice at this point is welcome.

Neck injury, pneumonia (which prevents a turtle from swimming levelly), etc. are all possibilities.

We often find that baby sliders are sold with pre-existing conditions or badly stressed because of all they go through to get to the store- one reason there is a federal regulation against the commercial purchase or sale of turtles under 4" long on the shell.

Not being a expert in medical care of sliders, I would recommend that you try the forums at

Good luck!