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Missing Tortoise!!!

22 16:13:17

My Russian Tortoise, Italia, got out of our yard. She was missing for about 20 minutes before we realized she was gone. We asked the neighbors to keep an eye out for her and searched their yards. Is there a way to lore her back, is there a trick to getting her back? We really miss her and want her home with our family. Any advice? Thank you!!!!!


I have had a lot of experience with lost turtles.  First, stay calm and start searching slowly.  They can dig and blend in so it's important to search very carefully.  Be prepared to search for as long as you need to - determination is the key.

Look everywhere.  Put your hand around the grass (there may be dips in the yard you can't see) and prod for holes she's dug (look and feel for a turtle butt sticking out of the ground or bushes... she probably will be hiding).  Go on your hands and knees for a turtle-eye view.

Get sleep when the sun goes down - she probably will sleep too.  If you don't find her by nightfall then get up 2 hours before sunrise and place a sun lamp outside where you last saw her.  You can try putting out a crushed melon in hopes she smells it - put it by the sun lamp.  She may forget she escaped and wander over to the lamp thinking it is morning.  If she doesn't come be prepared to search all day.  Cut down bushes if you need to.  Then try the lamp thing again... 2 hours before sun rise until mid-morning.

I also have advice for you that might be unconventional but if you are willing to try it... it worked for me.  When one of my little turtles got out in the yard many years ago we could not find her.  I went to bed crying and prayed.  I told God that He was the only one who knew where she was and I was relying on him.  I had set my alarm for 9am the next morning.  Well, about 6am I had a dream that I was shown where she was hiding.  I "knew" she'd be there until I woke up.  The feeling was so real that I shut off my alarm and went back to sleep.  When I finally woke up I walked outside, stuck my hand in the area of the bushes I dreamt she was at, and pulled out my turtle.  You should have seen the look on my family's faces!  LOL!

You can also try laying in a shaded area of your yard on a blanket all day and just looking out across your yard - you may see her walking around.

You can also use a dog (it's worth a try).  If you have a dog take the dog out on a leash and cover all areas, letting the dog smell around.  Take something from the turtle cage with you and let the dog smell it occassionally.

Finally, a tip I have is if you live in a dangerous area (near a road) start searching inwards... chances are the turtle isn't very far but just to be sure I always start from the outside in.  

These are the places I can remember finding turtles through the years:

Dark, brushy areas
Hidden in the grass in plain site (there was a dip in the ground)
Next to a fence walking along the fence

Just so you know, usually it is the owner that finds the turtle because non-turtle owners don't know what to look for and frequently pass over the turtle.  I can't tell you how many times I found a turtle in an area I didn't check because "I didn't think he could FIT there!" LOL remember they can stick themselves sideways.

Good luck and remember, don't be in a hurry or you WILL overlook her!  Be confident that you WILL find her.
