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Red Ear baby...could be sick

22 16:37:46

I received 3 red ear slider babies about 4 months ago as a gift. They all were happy and healthy but i thought they might be too crowded in the tank I had. About 2 weeks ago, I gave one away to a friend who lives a few doors down from me. He had a tank similiar to mine and fed the turtle the same brand of food I feed my own. Last night i went to check on him and it seemed liked he was struggling to swim up to his food. His shell is a pale shade of green compared to my two turtles. He also is very inactive. I took him out of the water and let him dry out overnight and then i put him in some water to feed him this morning. He ate but he still is not the normal, active turtle I remember. Please help afraid for his wellbeing.

My first thought is that the water temps are too cold and the turtle is struggling with pneumonia or related infection.

He will probably respond well to being kept in slightly warm water (80-85F) with good food and a good UBV bulb. This, along with cleaner than usual conditions and reduced stress constitutes 'basic hospital tank care' for turtles.

You can also try a useful general-purpose medication for fish called 'Stress Coat', per label directions. has lots of good info.