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my painters turtle

22 16:46:53

I had my turtle for about 5 month and it wont eat i got in in a nice bit tank and brought fish for it to eat. I also grew this big giant puss bump on his month between the jawl and the lips. I don't know what to do. I really want to save and can't find a reptile Dr. can you help.  


1. It is a Painted turtle, an easy to care for species that has pretty simple needs.

2. A bump like that sounds like an abcess, which is not easy to care for at home. You can try just boosting the usual cares and see if that helps, but if it does not you will have to see a good vet for an antibiotic treatment.

The best care info I can find on-line is here-

They also have a forum that might be able to offer more advice.