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african spur tortoise

22 16:13:47

do African spur tortoise carry salmonella??? is it safe to take to school and share????

Any animal that comes in contact with infected materials, or their own fecal material, can carry Salmonella on its skin. This applies just as much to hamsters as it does to tortoises.

Water turtles are far more likely to carry Salmonella because they are surrounded by contaminated water. Tortoises RARELY culture out with Salmonella because it has a harder time living in the drier habitats.

Animals that live on the ground seem to be more resistant to Salmonella- iguanas kept in small cages where they come in contact with their own feces carry it all the time, but tortoises and other ground animals rarely show it. (Oh, and reptiles never 'catch' Salmonellosis- the actual disease- they just carry the germs on them, or in their intestines.)

When I show my tortoises, I use these rules:
1. Because being handled is so stressful, and because of the possibility of being dropped, no one holds it.
2. To keep any droppings from making a mess, the tortoises are in a tray or shallow tub at all times. This also allows me to manage the habitat.
3. The only people who can touch it are those who will use a hand sanitizer afterwards, and I have a bottle of the stuff with me.
4. When the tortoise looks stressed, it is off display. Signs of stress include defecation, urination, and pulling into the shell. (Because of this I usually bring 2-3 tortoises with me for shows, rotating which one I show.)