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Red Eared Slider is acting Strange

22 16:13:15

I bought a red eared slider last summer.  This turtle is crazy.  He does not ever want to be in the water. Since last August he has buried himself in the sand and as far as I know has never come out willingly.  He also does not want to eat.  He acts like he is hibernating but its been 10 Months.

Hi Frank,

Sorry, I'm not a RES expert.  I'd have him examined by a vet first to make sure he's healthy.  If he's healthy then I'd say he is either too cold, depresssed, or both.

Does he have a UVA/UVB lamp over an area he can bask?  If so you might try putting him there every day.  At first he may just walk away from it but little by little his instinct should kick in and he'll probably like it.

Also I think I heard something about RES turtle needing warm water?  Here is a link:

If he hasn't eaten much the vet may give him some injections of vitamins and electrolytes solutions or even water.

Once he has better nutrition and UVA/UVB light helping his body he should feel better.  Also he may need a lot of space.  If he was caught in the wild (as some turtles sold in pet stores are) it will take him possibly years to adjust to captivity.  A large area (both land and water) will help him.  

To encourage eating in my mud turtles I put them outside in a pool with shallow water and grass (for shade) so they can get the sun's rays.  It always helps them feel better.

Hope this helps....
