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Hermanns tortoise

22 16:02:11

Hi Jeannie,

I have a male Hermann's tortoise that I rescued 4 yrs. ago. He was in very bad health when I received him, but have provided him with all of the necessary elements for a good and healthy life.(I found your answer to a question someone else asked on this site, on how to care for this type of tortoise.) He is very active now and has a healthy appetite. I am not sure of his age, but believe he is an older and wiser little guy.  His problem is in releasing his stool.  The feces are moist and healthy, the problem is in the release.  His shell, I believe it's the supracaudal, is curved under towards his tail.  He has to raise up on his tiptoes to extend his tail.  To me, it looks very labor intensive for him.  Is there anything I can do to his shell to make it easier for him?

Hi Karen,

The shell is living tissue, so if you try to do anything to it you will cause him pain, and of course any damage to the shell leaves it open to infection.  What you're describing is a normal male shell, and the standing on tiptoes is normal as well.  They do the same thing in order to flash (show the penis).  So don't worry.  As long as he's active and eating, he's just fine.