Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > RES Shedding or sick?

RES Shedding or sick?

22 16:39:46

My red eared slider has never done this before. He is about 4 years old ive had him for 2. It almost looks like his shell is shedding. You can only see this when he is under water. they are shiney looking spots on the top of his shell. When I pull him out of the water I cant see any of what I saw before. Its not soft or smell or anything. Is Stewie ok?

(somebody mentioned on another site that their turtle died from it before and its a disease and it had me really worried so Im bringing this question to you. You seem more qualified to answer please help im REALLY concerned)

It is either normal shedding, or fungi.

Normal shedding is tissue-thin pieces of skin or shell coming off. The skin sheds like sunburn peels, and the shell sheds in flakes.

The shell can suffer from various fungi and 'shell rots', but rot usually makes an unusual color, texture, or smell.

For more on this, try and go to the Medical Issues section.