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Red Foot Tortoise possible skin prob?

22 16:07:15

We have a RT that is about 1 year old, fits in the palm of my hand.  Has done well the past year, but noticed the other night on the side of his face near his mouth(we call it his cheek area)has 2 raised dark brown spots that are hard to the touch, would almost resemble a scab but it isn't.  Just wondering if it is a possible skin prob.  I do not know of any vets in my area that specialize with redfoot tortoises.  Also I live outside of Chicago and would hate to have to take him out into the cold.  He is eating and drinking fine.

Thank you for your help.


Hi Deanna,

It's really hard for me to say what it could be without seeing the tortoise.  Could be a skin problem or infection.  If it were back in the ear area I would watch for it getting larger as it could be an ear abscess, but otherwise at this point I'd keep an eye on it and see if it changes in any way.  Also pay attention to any changes in your tortoise's behavior for indications that it may be ill--lethargy and lack of appetite especially.  If the spots don't go away, change, or you see any behavioral changes, I'd take your tortoise to a vet.  Here's a list of herp vets in your area:  Good luck!