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sick baby turtle

22 16:02:55

I am 10 years old and i am scared for my baby turtle.  i rescuede him from the road and have been caring for him for a year now.  he has been growing and doing great.  last week my mom added a filter to the tank to save on cleanings.  he was fine this morning but tonight he seems bloated all over and just floats.  heis alive and breathing normally.  all his legs are sticking strait out and his skin seems tight like a balloon  what do you think is wrong?

Hey there, I too am in Fla so I can understand rescuing one

Are you using heat and UVB? waht are you feeding him?

When they are bloated like that it generally means death please send me info on how he is living what foods heat lights outdoors? any fungal growth?  Ill help you fast so we can try to save him or her.