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North Pacific Pond Turtles

22 16:14:33

Would this turtle be a wise choice for  a shallow creek setting in the Ben Lomond, Calif. area?  What are the legal/ecological or moral issues that go with a process of giving a turtle a new home...what age?  how to obtain one?  I would like to gift a friend, who is a thoughtful, experienced, shamanic practitioner, who lives on the edge of a small creek.  He would be very ethical in how he would acclimate Turtle into a new environment.  Thank you for your help and advice.  If this is not an advisable thing to do, please let me know.

Hi Paula,

I would have to say this is not advisable.    

Usually pond turtle like ponds, and so a small creek would not be a suitable home.  They like still water, for one thing.  Moving water could make it impossible for the turtle to catch food (especially if it is the type of turtle that mainly feeds off of carrion).  Etc, etc.

Unless this species is already in the area, it is most likely illegal because if the turtle lives, it may disrupt the ecological niches of other animals living there.

If he really loves turtles, and understands the work involved in keeping them ( is one resource) you can adopt a turtle from a local rescue (or sometimes even your local animal shelter may take in a turtle)and build an outdoor pond, or an indoor pond.  Again, however, this is loads of work.  There are land turtle too, if he wants a turtle but doesn't like dealing with water (like me).  

I hope this helps,