Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > food


22 16:14:38

hi, Mark!
I  have  3  red  eared  of  them  is  5 years  old  and  the other  two  are  3.   how  often  should  I  give  them:
-chicken  meat
-chichen's  liver
every  time  when  I  give them  one  of  these  things I  boil  it!
  My  turtles  often  eat pellets  and  lettuces.

A typical adult Red-ear Slider diet should be:

1/2 turtle pellets, of a good brand
1/2 live or frozen/thawed 'fish food' like small fish, worms, shrimp, krill, insects, beef heart, etc. Some small amounts of chicken, liver, or eggs are OK once in a while.

Add some dark, leafy greens as well- mostly water plants, but other greens are OK.

Tr for other ideas.

Good luck!