Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > soft shells!

soft shells!

22 16:38:40

QUESTION: Hi, I just noticed that my two red eared sliders' shells are both soft at the edges above the tail. I'm not sure of their age but they are quite small, about 2 inches. What should I do? My mom's definitely not letting me take them to the vet so is there any way to help them? I give them natural sunlight during the day. What else should I do? Thank you =]

ANSWER: Sunlight is good, as long as it does not go through a window or glass- the necessary UVB rays do not pass though most glass or plastics.

A little softness is not a big deal on the edges for a young turtle, but using a good quality turtle chow and diet will help the most firming everything up.

Check out the ideas at for help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm sorry for asking again, but I just checked right now and the smaller turtle that is about 2.5 inches seems to have a soft shell not only at the edge but also where the scutes are. They feel kind of spongy... Any suggestions? Thanks again! And about the UV light, is there anything I can substitute instead of using a reptile lamp? I heard that certain fluorescent bulbs work or some bulbs used in a plant shop?

Unfortunately, only bulbs that advertise that they give off UV-B will work. Many bulbs give off UV-A, but that is not what the turtle needs.

The best thing, however, will be the right diet. Check out the diet at and see if you can offer any of the recommended foods.