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my turtles wont eat

22 16:01:08

QUESTION: ok so me and my wife got 2 turtles, 2 bottom feeders, and a crayfish. we have had them for a little over 3 weeks. we lost both bottom feeders. we think the crayfish got a hold of them, because they werent big enough. Now we just lost a turtle i think due to the crayfish im not quite sure my wife says the turtle's head is almost decapitated. would the crayfish attack cause its territorial or if its food???? and another question our turtles looked like they havent been eating. i give them enough pellets and one time i gave them some lettece, and they havent been touched except the lettece was eaten by the crayfish, is there something wrong with the turtles?????

ANSWER: William,

I would need to know a little more about the situation to give you the best answer. What type of turtles, how big are they, what type of crayfish, how big is it, how big of a tank, what kind of cover is in the tank, etc.

It is possible if the crayfish is big and strong enough that it will attack turtles. Under normal circumstances the turtles would eat the crayfish, but that's all dependent on size.

Many turtles are carnivorous for much of their younger years, only eating vegetables on rare occasion, if at all, until they reach adulthood.

You should try feeding the turtles alone in a separate container with slightly warmer water. Leave them with the food for 30 min or so. Turtles do not do well under stress, especially in captivity.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Its a 10 gallon tank. The turtles are yellow bellied n they are smalla little bit bigger the a dollar coin. The crayfish is blue idk what kind n its a little bit bigger than my middle finger its a screen cover

Yeah, those two should do just fine in the properly set up 10 gallon tank, but that crayfish is probably way too much for them to deal with. Baby turtles are really fragile. I would suggest removing everything but the turtles. As well, feed them alone. They should start to recovery quickly with the proper water, light, and some peace and quiet.