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My baby african spurred tortoise

22 16:48:25

 My dad accidentaly forgot about tortoise while we were soaking him last night and left him out.  We found him early this morning and put him under heat.  He's really young and we're worried about him.  He's sort of bubbling at the mouth.  We've put him under our bearded dragon's heat lamp, but do you have any suggestions?  

The bubbling sounds like it might be pneumonia, but I am not a vet and cannot diagnose.

With ill turtles, you should go to a 'hospital tank' set up- especially clean, warmer than usual, very quiet location, lots of fresh water, and good food. Add a bit more vitamins than usual, and try to provide both some infrared and ultraviolet light (warming bulbs are usually infrared. Black light poster bulbs will provide the ultraviolet).

As long as symptoms get better, I would not worry much, but if it continues to bubble, or starts to wheeze or gasp, or looses its appetite and becomes lethargic, I'd take it to a vet for some anti-biotics.

The problem is that the spurred tortoise is an arid species and cannot handle lots of water as well as some other species can.

Good luck! For some other information, try the website