Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > a question

a question

22 16:17:06

I think i have a painter turtle but i am not sure i had it for about 1 1/2 weeks i feed him sweat peas so can u tell me how i can tell if it is a painter turtle and what else it eats please.

Hello Eric,

You do have a painted turtle, if it:
- It has a plastron that is solid yellow, mostly yellow with a pattern in the center, or with a complicated pattern of yellow and red.

- It has yellow or red lines on it's head, and limbs.

- It has a skin tone of the that is olive green or solid black.

If you're still not entirely sure if it's a painter that you got, you can check out the site below. It's very helpful.

About the food:
A painted turtle should have a variated diet. For example, larvae, crickets, beetles and maggots, duckweed, water lilies, algal, worms, leeches, crayfish, tadpoles, frogs, slugs and snails.

It's also good to add some Reptomin (Commercial food) to the diet as well.

Best wishes