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red ear slider turtle

22 16:01:19

my red ear slider turtle is about half a year old and very small he doesnt eat alot and i have noticed that his shell has gotten very soft and flimsy in the way that i can move it and slightly bend it and his belly is very soft is there any way or anything i can do to correct this?

Hi Sandy,

Please post back with more information on how you're keeping your turtle so I can help you better--tank size, filter, lighting, temperatures, diet, etc.  The shell should be getting harder as they get older, not softer.  A soft shell is VERY serious.  The most likely problem is lack of UVB.  If you don't have a good UVB bulb, the turtle can't metabolize calcium properly and will develop serious bone and shell deficiencies.  If you can provide more information, I'll do what I can to help.