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My Red Eared Slider..

22 16:47:39

Hi I really appreciate you taking the time to read this! I had 2 Red Eared Sliders, I bought them as babys almost a year ago. Recently one of them got very sick and I wasn't able to save her. Now Im wondering if turtles grieve and if I should get him a new turtle to be with or if he will be fine on his own? The women at the pet store said if I did get one it would have to be the same size but they dont sell them at that size ussually. He's not a baby but he's still not full grown yet. Thanks for your time- Andrea

1. For the most part, turtles neither grieve nor bond so there really should not be a problem.

2. The new turtle would not have to be the same size, but this also means the tank has to be big enough for both to have their own territory. The usual recommendation is at least 10 gallons of swimming space per inch of shell total.

3. I'd review my cares and fix any glitches before I got another turtle. You can review cares at sites like