Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > baby mississppi map turtle and yellow belly

baby mississppi map turtle and yellow belly

22 16:38:13

QUESTION: I have a 20 gallon tank for my lil baby mississppi map turtle and he seams lonely and i wanted to get a yellow belly and this turtle is the size of a  U.S quarter and i wanted to get a yellow belly slider baby....would they get along for a while then i could upgrade my tank?

ANSWER: Turtles really are not very social and really do not need or even want cagemates.

If you decide to get another turtle, however, we will want to make sure they are compatible. Maps, for example, like slightly cooler moving water and most sliders like slightly warmer still water. Personality is another consideration. Some sliders are just plain bullies unless the habitat is huge. A third consideration is adult size. Male maps are medium-size turtles while an adult slider is a larger turtle.

All of that covered, however, if the basic cares are good and the tank size is OK (about 10 gallons of water per inch of total shell length), this should be OK. has a lot more information as well.

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QUESTION: could i get a musk or something cuz i just want another turtle too and put it in the same tank...or what would be compatible?
ANSWER: You can get what you want as long as you have room for it. The Musk Turtle wants more space than the others do (they are quite active in tanks).

Again- a little research will really help and can help with that.

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QUESTION: what do u recomend to go with a mississppi map turtles?i kinda want a spiny soft shell but what would u recommend?

I rarely recommend mixing species in a tank, and I would NEVER recommend a Softshell for most people- they are well-known for getting infections easily.

If you HAVE to have another turtle, make life easy on yourself and go with a Painted or Mud Turtle.

Just make SURE you have the room.