Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > small green turtles swollen, closed eye

small green turtles swollen, closed eye

22 16:39:52

we bought a green baby turtle.  One of his eyes is closed but he seems active.  I bought a product at the pet store and just started using it today.  Do you think it will heal?  I don't think he can see food.
Thank you.

The store-bought eye drops do not usually help a lot- the problem tends to be:
- diet- especially a lack of vitamin A
- dirty water
- injury (especially if it is only one eye)
- general stress.

My recommendation would be:
1. If you just got it, try to return it for health reasons.

2. Read up on the cares at a good site like and (Fixing care-related probelms helps more than most other treatments will!)

3. Use a 'turtle sulfa dip' product, or a fish 'stress-coat' product per label directions to help fight infections.

4. When you check out the cares, review the diet concerns to help ensure that the food has enough nutrients in it.

5. Give the turtle a rest- low stress and slightly warmer water temps. Instead of the usual 75-80F, try about 5 degrees higher.

Good luck!